

It's been a long time that i disappear on my blog.... Many things happen in the same time, need some time to make it clear...

First, MERRY CHRISTMAS to all... Hurray!!! Santa Claus is coming to town!

So, something have to share during my past few weeks.

Ya, that's my first event at TAR UC!!! B.F.F (Boots For Fund)!!! Actually this is a car boot sales event, as what you guess, using car's boot to sell items. And our group is selling home decoration items.It seems like hard to sell those home decoration items but we did it after running the whole college!!! haha... Unfortunately, we failed to reach target but we almost there...Haha... So is fine... First time event mah!!! haha..

This is our DORAEMON photo-booth.. I'm one of the person decorate it!!! Isn't it lovely.. Awwwww...

My photo-booth helpers , also those Doraemonsss owner... Have to take care her collective by herself on event day.. A lot of people comt to her and ask did her sell!! Haha.. Sorry, that not for sell!!

So cute.. 100 years limited addition!!!!

Doraemon look cute right?? Gonna thanks my classmate who willing to borrow us her collective.. We did keep those condition good!! hahaha...Is time to show you what are we selling.... Guess which is our top selling items?????
Car boot for selling items... Design still okay right... Say YES!! Cause i'm also the designer la..TT
We are selling too many thingssss... hahaha 

The pronoun of Romance!!! It seems likes more mystery!!
TADANG!!!! our best selling items... CACTUS!!! don't ask me why, cause i also don't know why people love it so much.. Thanks god we got to sell it, it is the main items the attract people come to our booth!!! Muackssss.. I Love You!!!

How can i miss out our HOME DECO's mascot!!! How adorable is it... You can't imagine how many afford we put on to make the mascot and those props!!!

Our lengzai magician... He not my classmate.. actually i don't really know him.. My chairperson import him to help us.. So, don't ask me about his phone number , Facebook whatever ya... haha..

Our three lecture and tutor!! Lengzai n Lenglui!!! From left to right, Mr. Chuan, Ms. Jo, Ms Janice!!
Behind that group of person all is chairperson from different group.. That do a lot of thing, more than you and me could imagine.. Thanks you alll!!!!

LASTLY!!!! WE R M1RPR1!!!! PR Lang!!!!

Really thanks my classmate so much.. you all are pretty kind la... Although sometimes may have some argue.. ehh.. only few...and i really less to play with you all ... Forgive me!! Tt... My spirit is there... alwaysss... ahaha... But i hope we won't be in the same class next year.. I wan gap zai laaaa.... So, wish we all have a good result on the following final ya!!! M1RPR1 GO GO GO!!!


YAMCHA : ECOLE P (Back to school !)


                                   DAMANSARA UPTOWN - ECOLE P CAFE!!!
                   BACK TO SCHOOL!!

Their MENU is our exercise book!! OMG!! How long i didn't use this kind of book... SK RENDAH..ok lah,, just 7 years ago ba le mah... errr...
Back to topic.. NO service charge NO government charge.. so blissful...
once again, i'm not a coffee lover, so i choose to drink THE MASK... i love this cartoon so much!!! The green colour mask "lengzai"... damn nice....
Its taste quite nice, they state clearly out the ingredients, so can imagine what the taste it is la.. sour & sweet...

This is a cash box... after you take the snacks (next photo) , you just paid it. The price have been stated out on the tong or plastic bag.. I can find a lot of snacks that i have no chance to see it after i graduated from primary school.. So miss it!!!! 

The price is just like the time when i still in primary school, that is no different,.. how long i didn't buy 20 cent sweet, buy 50 cent snacks... Throw back your childhood here!

This shelf have put a lot of stuff that use in primary and secondary school...
discuit?? Is it spelling like this? The disc that use in primary school during computer period, square shaped... Got games like uno, congkak, spinning top and  ++... trophy, flute... that is too many thing too many childhood, i really describe all!!!

 The bar... The menu which write with chalk...

Score board for every different group.. RED ,YELLOW , GREEN... I stay in this three colours' group before, hahaha...

Their staircase, before walk into the coffee shop... What we always think when we are in school...

The toilet!! The tong is washing tray lol.... ><

They prepare a lot of bubble talk card on every table.. That is all different... so after finish take photo with your table one, go and steal from another table... errr.. is take....




This is really a good place with your schoolmates.. you can find your childhood, memory at here... The price range is qiute okay... not cheap.. it is just like normal cafe price... you can choose to have a drink and stay there whole night.. but weekend only open till 10pm.. weekday 8 / 9 pm... Have a good time!



 Ativo plaza 2nd floor, above Kenny Rogers.

Interior design is quite nice, that is a tips box at the counter.
If you feels like their food & service is nice, just give it out.
You can choose to sit at outdoor, the view is quite nice...

Their furniture is totally called mix & match,they are all different.
There is some unique and creative stuff over there, is a nice place for study , chit-chat, work and also relaxxx..

OMG!!! This is what called macha + redbean + milk + rice *** BINGSU!!!
I really recommend this, is tasty, the ice is soft, although the price is abit high but is worth lollll. There only have 4 type bingsu, each costs rm 15.

Bibibap! emmm..my friend ordered.. its taste still okay la. If you saw my previous post before, i more recommend apgujeong which located at solaris second floor, behind the palsaik...
For me, i like more flavors. Actually it have, but i want more...hahaha.. If you're not alike me, can go and try. It only cost rm14... erm...normal price... 

This is what i eat today, dolgoki japjye? I guess what it call is like that, maybe i'm wrong.
The smell is quite nice, but it is too oily. As i guess is before cook the glass noodles there put too many oil to cook  the onion, chicken, vegetables and so on, after put on the glass noodle, the noodle can't "absorb" oil, so just leave it on the surface. This quite expensive, cost rm 19, OMG!! but the portion is quite big, when i'm full i just realize i just have half of it... so i "dabao" la...

                                                     The most worthy thing, their water is free. BUT self-service please....

I'm not a coffee lover, i dun know how to comment on coffee,so i didn't try it, but it seems like so nice... They're selling cake also, i have no money and full, so i didn't try it also... If someone try it please let me know whether it taste good or not. THX!!!
My friend AGELINA, work with me in COURTS damansara, she reject to take a photo so i just take it secretly,hahahah!!!

Price range : above rm10 - rm40
Taste: 2 stars....( seems like i'm not recommend on it, maybe other thing is tasty, maybe, so can go and have  a try... but the bingsu i give 4 stars lol....hahaha)

(coming up will post another coffee shop in ten min, stay tuned)


Movie: The equalizer



这部电影开场十几分钟对一部分观众而言是有些许闷,因为很多潜在的东西慢慢被解开,例如主角身份,他的她,为什么改变等等之类的,直到遇到一个叫 alina 的女生,把他一直小心隐藏起来的“暴力”给激发出来。

这部电影血腥地方就是主角发挥他暴力分子的时候。偶是用双手挡着双眼,不过指间开个洞,对!就是你想象的那个模样,孬样。。TT..我在说什么?! 回归正题,所有你所想到,想不到的东西都可成为杀人武器。开红酒瓶器具,电钻。。。呃。。想呕。。


然后,那个反派真的很。。。血腥,暴力,贱, 无论是男的,女的,认识的,不认识的,职位不错的或普通的,一样心狠手辣。


这部电影说很精彩,也不过去,说不好,也不是,因人而异吧!对我而言是不错,后部分,很精彩。我未看过时间,当我看电影时,证明这部电影有值得看的地方!如果没电影看了,们了,可以去看看,说不定适合你的口味! 哈哈



Movie : The Maze Runner

This is the movie that you must watch in this year!这是一部今年必看的电影!





其实,整部剧, 我的焦点不在男主角,反而是不停盯着一个有着华人面孔的男配角。其实,他可以算主角之一,因为我觉得他出镜的分量不比Thomson少。啊!对了,他在电影里称Minho。他是一个runner, 负责找出路。他的脑海里记清楚迷宫每一个位置,不管是移动中或移动后的迷宫,我本身很羡慕他的强大记忆力!



对这部电影我描写的没有前几部仔细,但只要你看过这部电影你便可以明白言语所不能解释的东西。 紧张,  刺激, 精彩, 信任 还有一切一切。听我的,看吧!绝不后悔!




昨天和朋友去看了“等一个人咖啡”。很早之前就一直关注这部戏的动态,trailer让我对它很有兴趣。其实,我并没有看过这部小说,所以看电影之前我对故事完全是张白纸。就这样空空白白的进去,再带着满满的礼物出来。什么礼物? 这就来说个明白。

当我朋友说阿托是他的菜,我姐说阿不思很帅的时候,我的眼睛就一直观察着老板。 对,是老板! 电影里完全没有介绍过老板的名字,但我觉得不重要。我觉得,整个故事的带领者就是他,他算着时间,让阿托和思萤相遇。他在老板娘身后默默的望着,他心疼,但是他什么都做不了。他做这么多却只是想让老板娘找回自己的微笑。当他说:“对不起,我人生中最遗憾的是,没有缘分陪你一起到老。”眼泪真的刷一声的流下。人生真的太多的意外了,太多的遗憾。有人对这些意外毫不关心,有人却被囚禁一辈子。老板真的太爱老板娘了,就算死了也放心不下那个任性的老板娘。

至于金刀婶和暴哥,我只能说,对不起真的很重要。它是真的很难说出口,你可以说 sorry, mi an hae, silimasei甚至其他语言,但是当你真正用自己母语,认真的对着一个人道歉时,比你考100% 还难。 但是,有时候就是因为这对不起,你可以化解误会,你可以被原谅。他们因为一句对不起蹉跎16年,16年,怎么熬? 你还是很爱他,很想他,看到他的电影会哭,但是就是因为面子,16没了。 对不起,不简单啊!

阿托这个人,刚开始看不帅,但是耐看,尤其是笑的时候,真的很阳光,很甜讷。。。哈哈哈。 好吧,我承认他穿比基尼的时候,还是很帅,一丁点违和感都没有,甚至觉得他比部分女生穿的还好看。我很喜欢,很欣赏他的性格。守承诺,勇敢,爽朗。很随性的一个男生,我很乐意我身边出现这样一个朋友。勇敢表白,不一定要人接受,对她好,就让她知道,不用畏畏缩。不在乎他人的眼光。其实他并不傻,只是他不计较,因为那些都不是他所在乎的。



基于我朋友强烈要求,我只好再edit一次,把她心爱的小白菜写进来。想知道是谁?下次和她看电影的时候拍张照让你瞧瞧。话说回来,小白菜很抢镜吼! 从一个完整的小白菜到被阿托拖来拖去,像只宠物一样圈着铁链,再帮阿托挡刀子,到血染小白菜最后还让舍友给煮了。这是个小白菜悲催的故事啊!不过阿,小白菜有带来正面能量,就是喷了防腐剂的小白菜不可以丢进海或河里,会毒死鱼的。至于人,反正已经吃那么多了,不差这个。哈哈哈!

其实这部电影,不只是感人的点多,笑点是超级超级多的说,整部电影真的让你又哭又笑,像个疯子。只能说,这部电影很值得看。只是得找小说看了,因为不是很明白,最后那行字的意思。什么字? 自己去看电影呗! 哈哈哈。。。